
A Guide to Self-Publishing Part 3

Why you should hire an Editor

Editing is a very important part of book production and it should be done on the original manuscript before the process of producing book pages starts. Hiring a good book editor can make the difference between becoming a best-selling author or publishing a mediocre book.

 It is important to always check references and portfolios of the work done by the editor you are considering. It is also important that the editor is interested in the subject matter of your book, so that they can get the whole book edited in about four weeks or less including back and forth revisions. 

You want to make sure that the editor you hire is a good fit, before committing to the full book. It is recommended to pay a small fee to edit a few pages or a chapter of your book first. It is suggested by self-published authors to read your book out loud after each round of editing. The best editors are the ones who do it professionally and edit book text for a living. 

The fees for editing are calculated either hourly or as a flat rate project fee, it is often based on word count. Hourly rates vary depending on the type of work and the difficulty of the text. Some freelance book editors will work for $10-$20 an hour, but more experienced book editors will charge at least $25 an hour. 

Designing your Book Cover

It is crucial to get your book cover professionally designed, a high-quality book cover is one of the most important elements of turning your book into sales. Your book cover design is the first thing that readers see and will immediately determine whether they want to read it. 

You should make sure that your book cover is professionally created and that it will stand apart from the rest of the books in your genre or category. You also want the design style to fit your intended audience. Your book cover must have a clear title and sub-title. 

You can find good book cover designers on freelancing sites such as 99 designs, Happy self-publishing, E-book launch, 100 covers, Upward, or Fiverr. Prices of getting a book cover designed vary depending on what type of service you want. 

By Mardi Roback

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